Scandinavian Pain. Untold stories. Family Narrative. 

For a better depth understanding look at the Essay section.


The Darkest of Winter’s Light seeks to reveal the way of life of Norwegian people as the seasonal light and darkness descends.

Take a look at my journey to understand what it means to be Northen.

Denying Time takes you inside the pain and the suffering of the Scandinavian pain. There are few that know the name but there are many that know the feeling.

Want to find out what the so called happiest people call the Scandinavian pain? Look here.

Work in progress where I explore the city I now live in - London; through the eyes of a Scandinavian. 

Have a look here and share your thoughts of how you see the multicultural city we all know.

"A film should be like a rock in the shoe." - Lars Von Trier

Films created by Silje Løvstad with other artists are found here.

The Darkest of Winter's Light, Exhibition View.

Digital plan.

60x90cm vinyl with images on mdf.

Any questions regarding the work shown to you? Head over to contact to get in touch. Push here.

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